The Sheikh's Tempted Prisoner (All He Desires Book 4) Read online

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  “Great. You didn’t answer my question.”

  They walked on, Atnan stopping at the door that led to her room. She had begun to recognize the pictures along the way, and she was glad to have made it to what she considered relative safety.

  “I like to keep the palace dark at night. It helps keep suspicious eyes away.”

  “Well, that’s ominous,” she grumbled.

  When Atnan provided no answer, she turned to face him only to find him watching her intently.

  Was he going to kiss her goodnight? Would she protest if he did?

  Deep down, she knew she wouldn’t. If he kissed her, she would wrap her arms around him and find solace in the arms of a man who had clearly suffered something terrible. In that, they could find comfort. She was on the verge of getting herself into deep trouble. Was she only putting off the inevitable?

  She opened her door, the hinges creaking.

  “Lily, I want you to know that you’re safe here. I know you don’t know me, and I know you’re in some trouble, but no harm will ever come to you while you are under my roof. Do you trust me?”

  His eyes searched hers, and she knew her answer was important to him. Deep down, she had known her answer from the beginning.

  “I do,” she murmured, her tone soft.

  His hand twitched by his side, as though he was going to reach out and touch her. In that moment, she hoped that he would, but when his hand stayed put, she stepped back toward her room.

  “I take it I’m not to turn on any lights, then?”

  He frowned and then handed her the candlestick.

  “It would be helpful if you wouldn’t. The less visible we are, the better.”

  She stared at him, waiting for him to elaborate. When he didn’t, she sighed, stepping inside.

  “Good night, then, Atnan.”

  The Sheikh stepped back as well. She wondered for a moment how he would navigate his way back in the dark. Then she realized he had probably been doing it for ages already. What was he hiding that he had to lurk in darkened hallways? What kind of existence was that?

  “Good night,” he said softly.

  He waited for her to close her door before walking away. Lily knew this, because the instant she did, she pressed her ear to the wood, listening to his footsteps as they softened and then disappeared. She turned back toward her room and found it a little eerie given the shadows dancing in the tiny light of the candle.

  She made her way into the closet, where she found a serviceable pair of pajamas, before taking the candle into the bathroom. She took a candlelit shower, feeling the grime and cold, fear-ridden sweat from the day wash off her body and into the drain below. She unwrapped the expensive soap and lathered her skin, enjoying the hot water more in the knowledge that, for once, she wouldn’t have to worry about paying for it. The bottled shampoo and conditioner came last, and she stood under the hot water for several minutes more before finally turning it off and sliding into the pair of comfortable pants and shirt.

  Sitting on the plush mattress of her bed, Lily combed out her hair, taking in her lavish surroundings. This area was in such better shape than the rest of the palace, and Lily couldn’t help but wonder if these rooms had once belonged to Atnan’s mother. It was a haunting thought, and her mind was already playing tricks on her, so Lily banished it, telling herself it was a guest area and nothing more.

  Regardless of the size of the space, the room had her feeling claustrophobic. For all the splendor, all the delicious cooking, Lily was still crushed under the weight of the fact that she could not leave those walls. How long would she have to walk around in the dark for fear of being discovered? And what had Atnan done that had forced him to do the same?

  She set her brush down and braided her hair before pulling back the comforter and checking for any kinds of creepy-crawlies. When she was convinced that she wouldn’t be sharing a bed with any spiders, she snuggled beneath the comfortable spread, realizing it was nicer than any place she had ever stayed in her life.

  Her body was exhausted. Her soul was spent. But still, her mind refused to stop racing. Thoughts of what Atnan could have done spun through her mind, weaving a web of tales that in no way could have been even close to reality.

  Lily tried to get herself to sleep by imagining a beautiful waterfall and then by counting sheep, but no matter what she tried, her thoughts continued to dart back to Atnan—and what she would do after this little charade of safety came to an end.

  Chapter Eight

  At some point in the wee hours of the morning, Lily fell asleep only to have dreams of Atnan kissing her and then handcuffing her and placing her in the back of a police cruiser. Then, they were together again, making love in the palace before a barrage of police came in and pulled him away from her, tearing him from the room while she screamed.

  When Lily woke to the early light of dawn, she was far from rested. Blinking back terrible images, along with vastly inappropriate ones, she threw the comforter off and padded to the veranda, grabbing a soft blanket on the way.

  It was still cool that early in the morning, and she curled herself into a ball, her blanket wrapped around her as she stared out at the rising sun, creamy orange light pouring from the horizon. After a while, her stomach began to growl, and she decided she would venture down to the kitchen and perhaps find something to satisfy her demanding belly.

  After setting the blanket down on one of the little sofas inside, Lily opened her door, staring out as though expecting someone to jump out at her any minute. When no one did, she took her time walking down the hallway, taking in the images of the paintings. She wondered who had painted them. Atnan had mentioned they were all by the same artist, but the way he had said it… Just how much influence had his mother had over the place?

  When she reached the main entryway, she had generally gotten her bearings, and she headed toward the kitchen. Even before she got there, she heard pots and pans clanging.

  When she opened the door, she saw Atnan at the kitchen sink in nothing but pajama pants, his muscular back to her. He was washing the dishes from the night before, but when he heard her enter, he turned, shutting off the faucet.

  Lily swallowed.

  His chest was chiseled in a way she had only ever seen in magazines. She’d had no idea men could actually have abs that looked like that. She realized she was staring and met his eyes. His expression was a combination of amusement and slight embarrassment.

  “You’re up early,” he commented.

  She stepped closer, meeting him at the sink with a shrug.

  “I didn’t sleep well.”

  “It wasn’t the mattress, I hope?”

  “No. The room is quite comfortable. It’s just being trapped with no escape and no future that has me a little less than cheerful.”

  Atnan frowned, and for a moment Lily regretted her words.

  When he didn’t have an answer, she turned back toward the kitchen sink.

  “If you keep washing, I can dry. You’ll just have to let me know where to put everything.”

  He hesitated as though weighing something he wanted to say. With a sigh, he turned the faucet back on.

  “Okay. Thanks,” he said.

  They worked together to clean up the previous evening’s meal, Lily doing her best not to keep casting sideways glances at Atnan’s delectably bare skin. He was a combination of softness and strength, and her fingers were itching to run along the expanse of those abs. But Lily forced herself to simply dry each dish before stepping away to clear her mind as she put each one away.

  They made quick work of it together, and once they were done, Lily realized she hadn’t yet found a solution to her hunger.

  “Breakfast?” Atnan asked.

  “But we just cleaned a whole bunch of dishes.”

  Atnan laughed.

  “Yes. That’s what happens when you make food. Then you have to make food again and wash dishes again. I suppose if all you eat are noodles, the cleanup can be a littl
e less intensive, but better food calls for a bit more effort on both ends. Have a seat. I’ll make us some coffee.”

  “That sounds heavenly,” Lily said, taking her place on a kitchen stool to watch Atnan grind fresh coffee beans and then prepare them with a French press.

  He sweetened it with some kind of syrup before handing it to her, and she breathed it in.

  “What is that?” she asked, taking a sip.

  Though the coffee was black, it was mild and had a flowery essence.

  “Croninberry syrup. They grow deep in the forests here and can be a little hard to get hold of. Luckily, we have a large supply here, and the syrup never expires. It was my mother’s favorite.”

  “She had excellent taste,” Lily said, taking another sip and feeling slightly more awake.

  “Yes, she did,” he agreed, pouring his own cup and adding syrup before pulling out more pans.

  “I’ve never had so much time to devote to meals before,” Lily admitted.

  “Oh?” Atnan asked, cracking a series of eggs into the pan and flavoring them with paprika and garlic.

  Lily thought about her life up to that point. She had either been studying, running, or applying for jobs. She had never given herself a chance to really enjoy the world, and as she sat there relishing the slow pace of Atnan’s life, she realized just how much she had been missing out on.

  Instead of answering his unasked question, she continued to watch as he made up a couple of egg sandwiches and then pulled a bowl of freshly cut fruit from the fridge and filled two plates. When he was finished, he set one before her and took a seat on the stool right next to hers. Even with the mouthwatering scent of the food penetrating the air, Lily could still smell his cologne beside her, and it was even more enticing.

  Atnan snapped his fingers, as if remembering something.

  “Drinks,” he said. He rose and got two glasses, pulled a pitcher of orange juice from the fridge, and poured them each a glass before settling down next to her once more and tucking into his sandwich.

  Lily followed suit. While it was a simple meal, the spices he had used on the eggs brought out a whole new flavor, and it was once again delicious.

  “Another perfect grade. Keep this up and you’ll graduate with honors,” she joked, and Atnan smiled.

  “Glad to hear it.”

  “When did you have time to prepare that fruit and orange juice, though?”

  He shrugged, one powerful shoulder rippling up next to her. He really, really needed to put a shirt on for her own sanity.

  “I don’t sleep much these days either. It’s as you said. The future is uncertain, and that can be unsettling.”

  She was about to ask him to elaborate when he switched topics.

  “I am glad you like your rooms, though. They are the best kept in the palace.”

  “Did they belong to your mother?”

  Atnan shook his head, and Lily felt a rush a relief.

  “It was our guest quarters, where we kept clothing for visitors who would come and stay with us, just in case they needed to change or whatnot. It was handy, from what I can remember.”

  “I imagine a five-year-old wouldn’t be terribly interested in that sort of thing.”

  He chuckled.

  “You imagine correctly. I got into quite a lot of mischief around here, actually. I would be happy to show you all my favorite spots if you would like a proper tour. You made it back here, so you’re clearly able to figure out directions. That will be useful.”

  “That sounds perfect,” Lily said before taking the last bite of her sandwich and digging into her fruit. The orange juice was perfectly sweet and fresh, and she found herself feeling spoiled as Atnan continued to tell her about the palace grounds.

  When she finished, she stood.

  “All right, we are fed and the day is stretched out before us. Why don’t we clean up, get dressed, and go find this adventure you keep talking about?”

  Atnan smiled down at her, and she swallowed once again. What if he had kissed her the night before? What if he had come inside with his chest bare like that and pressed it up against her…

  Nope. Not helpful.

  “That sounds like a great idea,” Atnan said, rising.

  And in that moment, Lily realized that she had to get her feelings under control. Fast.

  Chapter Nine

  Back in her room, Lily made quick work of finding suitable clothing for exploring—comfortable cotton pants and a light pink top—and redid her braid before catching her reflection in a mirror.

  Her blue eyes were wide with excitement, and she had to admit that she was looking forward to a day of exploring the ruins of a palace. A few weeks ago, she would have spent her day tutoring high school students, as she had been doing for so long, hoping desperately for any kind of change. While it hadn’t happened quite like she’d imagined it would, she decided to make the best of the situation and enjoy herself.

  She stepped back out into the hallway, looking in either direction for Atnan. When she didn’t see him, she ventured toward the main entry, figuring he would find her there eventually. There weren’t many places she had been to at that point.

  Hearing footsteps approaching from another hall, she glanced up to see him walking in, now fully clothed. A tinge of disappointment tweaked her heart, and she felt annoyed at the feeling.

  “Why are you frowning?” Atnan asked, his eyebrows knit in concern.

  Not wanting to admit her reasons, Lily smiled, shrugging her shoulders.

  “Lots going on in my head, I guess. It will be good to be distracted.”

  Jumping off the covered sofa she had been sitting on, Lily clapped her hands together. The sound echoed across the ceiling before dissolving back into silence.

  “Well, what do we get to explore first? This place is huge! I can’t imagine how much we’ll be able to cover in a day.”

  Atnan’s frown deepened ever so slightly.

  “A good section of the palace is uninhabitable, which limits us quite a bit. I do have some places in mind to show you, though. We’ll stick to the east wing today.”

  His tone brooked no argument, and Lily was left wondering just what might have been so uninhabitable about the rest of the palace. Was there something hiding there, something he didn’t want her to see?

  She was suspicious, and she chastised herself for it. Atnan deserved her trust, at least a little bit. While he clearly had his own secrets, he had shown her nothing but kindness, respect, and hospitality. She could grant him some leeway as far as unspoken truths went. After all, didn’t she have her own mess to unravel as it was?

  Atnan led the way down another hallway. This one was much like the others, laden with family portraits and fraying carpets.

  “You must have quite the family, to be able to fill up every hall with so many images,” Lily said.

  Atnan glanced at the walls, not really seeing them.

  “I suppose. My family can be traced back hundreds of years. My ancestors had quite the opinion of themselves, as you can see.”

  “You don’t sound impressed,” Lily remarked, and Atnan lifted his shoulders slightly.

  “We are a powerful and strong dynasty, yes, but Al Yibri is a tiny country, hardly a world player, and we generally just look out for ourselves. We are a friendly people, but I don’t think my family deserves as much credit as they give themselves.”

  Lily was surprised by this admission. Since meeting the Sheikh, she had had him pegged as proud and noble, with his devilishly good looks and his stern warnings at the beginning. And yet, each layer she peeled back seemed to reveal a dynamic and interesting man, someone she could really get along with, were the circumstances different.

  He reached the end of the hallway, where a pair of wooden doors were firmly closed. The wood had been carved in decorative patterns, with twists and turns that gave it a whimsical feel.

  “Are we entering Narnia?” Lily joked, and Atnan turned.


  “It’s a fictional world from a children’s book series. You’ve seriously never read it?”

  Atnan shook his head.

  “I suppose I had other books to read. I never read fiction growing up.”

  Lily froze, staring at him with wide eyes.

  “Not even fairy tales?”

  He turned to look at her, then, surprised by the shock in her voice.

  “The children of Al Yibri read nonfiction. Our aim is to learn and grow, not live in a fantasy world.”

  He said it as though it had been recited to him many, many times. Lily felt a deep, resounding sadness at his words. The world of fiction provided so much more than an escape! There were lessons and morals and so many truths wrapped up in nonexistent worlds.

  Seeing her expression, Atnan turned away, pulled at the double doors, and opened them both.

  Inside was a cavernous library full of shelves loaded with old tomes and volumes. Lily gaped in wonder at the sight of it. Wooden ladders stretched up toward the ceiling, granting access to the thousands of works surrounding them. The scent of old books enveloped her like a good friend, and she took a reverent step forward.

  “This is…” she whispered, unable to finish her sentence.

  She felt like she was in church, someplace sacred that deserved whispers. When she met Atnan’s eyes, his expression was amused.

  “What do you think?” he boomed, his voice echoing across the space.

  Lily fought the urge to shush him, realizing it was his library they were standing in, after all. She grinned.

  “This is amazing!” she exclaimed, calling out the last word as it resounded around them.

  They both laughed, and Lily stared around again in wonder.

  “Seriously though, this is unreal. Now you’re going to tell me that every single book in here is for ‘learning purposes’ only?”

  Atnan grinned conspiratorially at her, his dimple showing as he did so. Surrounded by books, Lily nearly jumped up and kissed him. It was one of the most romantic places she had ever been. After all, she was an English major. Books were her thing, her one true love.


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