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The Sheikh's Priceless Bride (The Sheikh's New Bride Book 1) Read online

Page 4

  “It sounds wonderful,” Jacqui said.

  “It’s a cacophony of noise and food, and yes, it rather is wonderful.”

  Jacqui smiled at him, and when he smiled back, she got a little lost in the depth of his gaze. She didn’t look away until the waiter cleared his throat and, startled, she nodded at his question about taking the plates away.

  “So, is being royalty or being a CEO why you’re able to buy out an entire bakery and give it away?”

  It was a forward question, Jacqui knew, but the wine and company were making her feel warm and safe.

  Khizar chuckled at the slightly blunt question. “A little of both, I suppose. I am in the city for business, but I used my personal funds to buy everything. The need to take care of those less fortunate is something my siblings and I were taught from a young age, so I try to act on that wherever I go.” He cocked his head and added, “I suppose it is a bit of the royal privilege to know that I have enough money to do things like that.”

  Jacqui raised her eyebrows. “A bit?”

  Khizar laughed in agreement. “Okay, a lot.”

  Jacqui grinned. “Still, I think you’re like a modern-day Prince Charming.” She thought for a moment. “Sheikh Charming.”

  Khizar laughed loudly, charming Jacqui even more.

  “I like that. I am delighted to be Sheikh Charming.”

  The main course was served and Jacqui kept asking questions. Khizar didn’t seem to mind answering, and Jacqui wanted to learn everything about this fascinating man.

  She was intrigued by how far apart their life experiences were, and honestly, a little jealous. She didn’t really want to be royalty; she was happy being a simple baker. But to have a large, close family, and to not want for anything? That made her long for a different life, one more like his.

  And, she had to admit, she was definitely attracted to Khizar. He was handsome, and charming, yes, but he was also kind. It had been a long time since she’d felt like someone really knew her, and he had made that leap in just a few hours.

  Plus, he was fun. They ate at least a bite of every dessert the restaurant offered, and drank more wine, and Jacqui had more fun in that one meal than she’d had in a long time.

  Even if it was just that one night, and she never saw Khizar again, Jacqui knew her life would be changed because of meeting him.

  Chapter 3


  Dinner with Jacqueline—Jacqui, rather—was another eye-opening experience. Khizar had been prepared to meet an attractive young woman, but not one that was so warm and caring, as well as smart and funny.

  It was certainly no hardship to spend the day by her side, handing out pastries and cookies to those less fortunate. He really did regularly engage in charity work—it was, after all, something his parents insisted on. Being royalty came with expectations, and that was one of them.

  Khizar didn’t mind. He knew he’d been blessed with wealth, and he was happy to share some of that good fortune. He had everything he needed and most everything he wanted; he was happy to give and happy to work with those who needed a hand up.

  He was impressed with Jacqui, too. She had been dealt a bad hand in life, at least in her childhood. And instead of using it as an excuse, she used it as a purpose. She had a kind spirit and a generous heart, even to the point of taking pity on him when he hadn’t known where to go to hand out the food he’d bought.

  Khizar had to laugh at himself. That hadn’t been part of the plan. He was going to astonish her with his magnanimous gesture, buying all this food for people who needed it and helping her business for the day at the same time, but he hadn’t thought of how to actually hand the food out. Fortunately, she’d stepped in and saved him.

  And it definitely wasn’t a hardship to spend time with Jacqui at dinner. She had relaxed and opened up, and while he was looking for information, he also found himself simply enjoying her company.

  They lingered over dessert, and Khizar teased her about taking notes for her bakery. Mostly, he did it just to hear her laugh, a sound he was very much coming to enjoy.

  When he’d paid the bill, and thanked their servers with a rather large tip, he held her chair as she stood. They walked outside, and Jacqui took a deep breath of the night air.

  She looked happy, Khizar thought. What he said, though, was, “May I take you home?”

  “Thank you, Khizar, but I think I’m going to walk.”

  “At least let me call you a cab,” he protested.

  “It’s fine, really. I’m not that far from my apartment, and I don’t mind the walk.”

  He felt like he should try to convince her otherwise, but also knew it wasn’t his place.

  “Besides,” she took another deep breath and continued, “I love this time of year. It’s still cool enough for warm drinks and jackets, but you can feel the hint of warmth in the air.”

  Khizar smiled. “In Nudushan, it’s always warm. But we enjoy warm drinks anyway.”

  “I think I’m going to have to do some research tonight. I’d love to know more about your country.”

  It was the perfect opening, Khizar thought.

  “And I’d love to tell you more. Have lunch with me tomorrow, and I’ll tell you anything you want to know about my home.”

  Jacqui smiled, albeit tightly. “I’d like that, but I’m not sure I can get away from the bakery again.”

  Khizar shrugged. “I’ll buy all your creations again tomorrow, if I have to.”

  That got him a laugh.

  “Oh, please don’t. I’d feel terrible,” Jacqui said. “Fine, then, I can get away for a late lunch; I’ll have someone to cover the shop.”

  “Excellent. What time shall I pick you up?”

  “Around two?”

  Khizar nodded. “Two it is. I’ll see you then.”

  “I look forward to it.” Jacqui smiled at him shyly.

  Khizar wasn’t quite sure how to end the date, since that’s basically what this encounter was. Rather than go in for a kiss, he opted for a warm hug.

  He held out an arm to her. “A handshake seems cold for two pastry-wielding do-gooders such as ourselves. How about a hug instead?”

  She nodded and stepped into his arms, standing on her toes to place her own arms around his neck. Khizar was surprised again; she felt like she fit there. Still, he kept it brief and chaste. He let her go and stepped back a bit.

  “Good night, Jacqui. Thank you again for today.”

  He found himself a little dazzled by her smile as she said, “My pleasure, Khizar. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  He watched her walk away, waiting until she was out of sight before he asked the valet to bring his car around. He drove to his hotel, left the car with the valet there, and walked into the elaborate lobby.

  The doorman greeted him with a respectful nod, and the older woman behind the concierge’s desk wished him a good evening.

  Khizar headed for the elevator, but at the last second, turned. He wasn’t quite ready to go up to his room yet, so he walked into the hotel bar. The room was dark and elegant, with brown leather booths along one wall and a few tall leather chairs scattered around the room next to dark wood tables.

  He took one of the chairs in a corner where he could watch the room, but it was clear he didn’t want to be disturbed. A server in a crisp white shirt and black pants stopped by the table a few minutes after he sat down. Khizar ordered an expensive whiskey, neat, and then contemplated his next move.

  Jacqui was a lovely young woman. She obviously needed help with her business, and Khizar supposed that was one way he could ingratiate himself into her life.

  He could offer to look at her books and see if he could find efficiencies. Or perhaps he could offer to negotiate her rent with her landlord. Maybe do some research into other storefronts that wouldn’t cost as much but might bring in more business for her.

  But his business was so different from hers that she might not appreciate his advice. And, to be fair, there might not be
a lot of advice he could give her. He’d never had to save a failing business, only expand his family’s already strong empire.

  And, if she was tied to that location, she might not want him pushing her somewhere else. He needed to know more about her and her business for that plan of action to work.

  The server quietly set the crystal tumbler on the table and nodded to Khizar. Khizar nodded back and picked up the glass, then sipped the whiskey and thought some more.

  He was definitely seeing her tomorrow. It was a chance to impress her again, and maybe their conversation would give him a clue of something he could use. He needed her to open up about her great-uncle, but he couldn’t just ask her outright.

  Perhaps if he talked more about his jewelry business and his mines, she might bring Bill up as a connection. Or he could “discover” the connection later on, once she trusted him more. But he needed a reason to spend additional time with her.

  Loud voices carried from the bar, cutting across the room, and Khizar looked up to see a couple with their arms looped about each other walking up to the bartender. She tenderly laid a hand on his chest as she shushed him, and he laughed and said he didn’t care who knew she was going to be his wife.

  The bartender asked if they had just gotten engaged, and the woman proudly displayed her left hand. He shook both their hands across the bar, and then poured two glasses of champagne for them. The couple sat cuddled together at the end of the bar, leaning in to each other, oblivious to the world around them.

  Khizar took another drink and watched the couple. Marriage was something he expected he’d have to have some day. Hopefully, someday far into the future.

  His parents were hinting that they’d like to see a wedding, and his uncle was supportive of that idea as well. But Khizar wasn’t in any rush, as desirable as the happy couple at the bar made it look.

  Khizar wondered if Jacqui was dating anyone. Nothing had appeared in the pictures on her social media accounts, and James hadn’t found any romantic entanglements. Certainly, she hadn’t mentioned a boyfriend during their dinner.

  He didn’t think she would have accepted a dinner invitation if she was seeing someone. And she was definitely attracted to him. She was guarded, and he could see that she didn’t open up to a lot of people. However, in the short time they’d known each other, she apparently had decided he was someone she could trust.

  Perhaps he could use that. He would be smitten with her, and extend his business in Milwaukee. Dating Jacqui would give him a reason to spend more time with her.

  Spending more time with her wouldn’t be a bad thing. Khizar thought about her smile and the way her eyes sparkled when she laughed. He liked making her smile, and he felt like he was doing something good when he made her laugh.

  The couple at the bar finished their champagne and left, still twined around each other. Watching them, Khizar had a moment of inspiration.

  If Jacqui was his fiancée, she would definitely tell him more about her family. Even if she didn’t, an engagement would give him an opening to ask, under the guise of who they needed to invite to the wedding.

  It would also give him a reason to take her to Nudushan if that was necessary—he was certain Bill hadn’t hidden the diamond in the mine, but given how much time Bill had spent in his country, Khizar thought it might still be there somewhere.

  They wouldn’t actually get married, of course. Their relationship would only last a few weeks, a couple of months at the most. He would find a reason to stay in Milwaukee, impress her with elaborate dates, and then propose. He would sweep her off her feet.

  He felt somewhat bad about the potential for breaking her heart, but he’d show her the time of her life in the meantime and give her a few weeks to remember. He’d treat her with respect and affection, and shower her with presents.

  In the end, he could let her down easy. Perhaps he could note that their worlds were too different and she wouldn’t be happy so far from her home. Khizar was sure he could find a way to lessen the blow when the time came.

  And, he could still figure out a way to save her business. He would buy the diamond from her, even if it wasn’t clearly in her possession. The money meant nothing to him, but it would be everything to her. It would provide financial security, letting her bolster her business or move it to a better location. She could expand and hire more staff, and do some better marketing. It would be enough to keep her business stable for years.

  Buying the diamond from her would make up for this early deception. He would make sure, one way or another, that she had everything she needed when he returned to his regular life.

  Khizar looked at his plan from all angles. He didn’t want to risk caring about her too much. As lovely as Jacqui was, she wasn’t his reason for being here. He liked her enough to want her to succeed, and he would ensure that happened. He could play the interested suitor, show her a romantic time, but he wouldn’t run the risk of losing his heart.

  This was the best plan. Before he knew it, he’d have Bill Bauer’s diamond, whatever he had to do to get it.

  Chapter 4


  All next morning, Jacqui couldn’t stop thinking about Khizar. She was so distracted, she left the sugar out of a batch of cookies and the baking powder out of a cake. Finally, after giving herself a stern talking-to, she finished the day’s baking with no more mishaps.

  For heaven’s sake, it had just been a friendly dinner last night. The same would be true for lunch today. They’d got along well during their charitable outing, and since Khizar didn’t know anyone in the city, he was probably just a little lonely. Or, mostly, she guessed, he was just being nice.

  True to his word, Khizar parked in front of the bakery at exactly two o’clock. Jacqui looked out the window, suddenly a little nervous. But when Khizar walked through the door and smiled at her, that nervousness disappeared.

  Jacqui could feel Lyssa’s raised eyebrows from behind her. Lyssa had come in around 11, and Jacqui had welcomed the distraction. She’d shared the story of Khizar buying out the bakery and giving everything away, but she hadn’t mentioned that the mysterious sheikh was planning to come by the bakery again.

  Jacqui greeted him, sounding jauntier than she felt.

  “If you’re looking to buy us out again, I’m afraid it was a good day and we don’t have much left.”

  Khizar laughed. “Well, then, my plan of lunching on cakes and cookies is a nonstarter. I guess we’ll have to go out somewhere.”

  Lyssa stepped up next to Jacqui and bumped her arm. Jacqui tilted her head toward the younger woman.

  “Khizar, this is Lyssa. She is my most indispensable employee.”

  Lyssa snorted. “I’m her only employee.”

  Khizar bowed a little in Lyssa’s direction.

  “It’s an honor to meet you, Lyssa.”

  “Likewise,” Lyssa said. “So, you’re taking my boss out for a lunch date?”

  Jacqui started to explain, but Khizar just nodded.

  “Excellent.” She pushed Jacqui around the counter. “Go. Enjoy lunch.”

  Jacqui laughed. “Are you trying to get rid of me?”

  Lyssa tilted her head and thought about it.

  “Yes. Without you here, I’m planning on using the next hour or so to start my plan for world domination through baked goods.”

  Khizar raised a hand. “You have my support.”

  “Thank you, Khizar.” Lyssa held her hand out for Jacqui’s apron. Jacqui shook her head, but untied her apron, slid it over her head, and handed it to Lyssa all the same.

  Once in Khizar’s car, Jacqui asked, “So, what would you like to do for lunch?”

  “I was thinking, if it’s okay with you, of eating down by the water.”

  Jacqui nodded. “There are some great places there. Sounds good to me.”

  “I asked around for a recommendation, and this seemed to be everyone’s favorite.”

  “How’s your work going?”

  “Fine. Boring
meetings and too much talk about spreadsheets and financial statements.”

  “Who are you meeting with? I would think talking about precious gems and jewelry would be fascinating.”

  “Oh, it is. But it’s more the business side that I’m focusing on right now. I’m looking to expand our jewelry line here in the States.”

  “You don’t sell here now?”

  “In places like Los Angeles and Manhattan, yes. But I think it’s worth pursuing other market opportunities.”

  The car stopped in front of a restaurant. Khizar parallel parked on the street and went around to open Jacqui’s door.

  “This is a great place,” she said, stepping out onto the sidewalk. “I didn’t know it was open for lunch.”

  Khizar led her up the sidewalk and to the front door. “It’s not, but I convinced them this was a special occasion.”

  Jacqui’s head whipped around to stare at him just as a man opened the door and welcomed them.

  “Sheikh Jamshidi, Ms. Bauer; right this way, please. We’re so happy to have you dine with us today.”

  He directed them to a door leading out onto the restaurant deck, where a table had been set up with a perfect view of Lake Michigan.

  Khizar held Jacqui’s chair for her, and then sat in his own. Jacqui still wasn’t quite sure what was happening, but she was willing to roll with it.

  Their host waited until they were settled and said, “The chef is preparing his specialties for you, but if there’s something in particular you’d like, I’ll ask him to fix that instead. Ms. Bauer, do you have any food allergies or sensitivities the chef should avoid?”

  Jacqui shook her head. “No, but thank you for checking.”

  The host nodded genially. “I’ll bring some water and iced tea out for you, and if you’d like coffee, please just let me know.”

  He stepped away and Jacqui looked around. They were they only people on the deck, and Jacqui hadn’t seen anyone else in the restaurant. She looked back at Khizar, who was watching her closely.


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