The Greek Billionaire's Marriage Matchmaker Read online

Page 10

  “I’ve come to take you to the airport, miss. If you will show me to your luggage, I’ll be happy to assist.”

  Zoey reflected on her conversations with Fulton and realized that was one of the longest sentences she had ever heard him say. Shaking her head, she tried to get more out of him as she led the way to her bedroom.

  “Can I ask if there’s a reason you only say one or two things a week? I’ve known you for six months, but I don’t think we’ve ever had a full-on conversation.”

  “Well,” Fulton replied, “once a person makes a certain amount of money, they start to eschew more talkative employees. Mr. Zakiridis conducts a great deal of his business from the town car, which means I’m privy to a lot of sensitive information. Mr. Zakiridis trusts that I will keep what I hear to myself.” He paused as they reached the door to Zoey’s bedroom. “Is that all you’re taking with you miss?” he asked, clearly flabbergasted.

  He had obviously expected more than twice as many bags, and Zoey couldn’t help grinning.

  “I’m a light packer,” she replied. “It’s one of my many skills.”

  With an acknowledging nod, Fulton picked them up, and carried them down to the town car and into the trunk without giving any indication that their small size belied their weight.

  Zoey came right behind him, grinning widely when she saw Stelios waiting for her in the back of the car. He looked a bit pale, but was smiling, and greeted Zoey with a warm, passionate kiss. It was the kind of kiss a soldier gives his lover before he heads off to battle. Zoey drew him into a reassuring embrace and told him without speaking that he had nothing to fear.

  In a moment, Fulton was behind the wheel and driving them to a private runway the Dolphin Realty Group had acquired several years ago.

  On the way, Melinda called to say her goodbyes, and Zoey insisted that Stelios say hi to Branden, who was at the office with her. It was the first time the two had ever spoken, but the conversation seemed to give Stelios back a little of his color.

  After a couple of minutes, Stelios handed the phone back to Zoey and Melinda voice filled her ear again.

  “Did you tell him yet, Zoey?”

  “Not yet. I plan to do that at the right time.”

  “All right, Zoey, but it’s important that you tell him soon. It’s going to be a huge change in your life.”

  “I know, Mom. Trust me. I’ve got it all worked out.”

  “Okay then, Zoey. Branden’s telling me you’ll find the best way to bring it up so have an excellent vacation.”

  “I will, Mom. Thanks,” Zoey replied, hanging up.

  “Might I ask what you have all worked out?” Stelios inquired with amusement. “What do you plan to do at the right time?”

  “Oh, it’s something I want to talk to you about, but I think I’m going to wait until we’re on the plane to do it.”

  “Why wait?” Stelios asked her, clearly more curious than he wanted to let on. “I’m all ears now. Is something wrong?”

  “Not a thing. Since you showed up, everything has become exponentially better. My mother’s happy, the business is operating more ethically, and I’m in love with a wonderful man. I just think it’s sort of a long story and I’m going to have to do a lot of explaining. If I start it now, we’re going to be interrupted when we reach the runway. Besides, actually getting on a plane is a huge step for you, and I want you to focus your mind on that and nothing else. Trust me,” she smiled, “I’m usually right about these things. Let me keep my little secret a few minutes longer.”

  “All right,” Stelios replied, the tiniest hint of a smile appearing on his face. “In that case, why don’t you tell me how you managed to get a week’s worth of clothing into those tiny little bags?”

  Zoey started telling him about the website she’d been reading suggestions on, but her thoughts were a bit distant.

  That was far too easy, she thought. I wonder why he gave in so readily. I expected him to press me a little bit harder than that.

  But Stelios didn’t press her at all. In fact, by the time they reached the runway, it looked as if he had forgotten that Zoey had a story to tell him at all. He was talking animatedly as they got out of the car, but once Stelios laid eyes on the private jet, he fell silent. It was as if the entire adventure had only become real to him in that moment, and it was perfectly clear that he was wondering if it wasn’t too late to change his mind.

  The plane was large, much larger than anything Zoey had been expecting. It was a white, streamlined behemoth, with several tasteful black accents. The wings were sleek, and two podded jet engines graced the rear. The sun was shining brightly, and when the light hit the jet, it was bright enough to make Zoey shield her eyes. On the side of the plane, in black and gold, was an ornate version of the Dolphin Realty Group logo. The boarding ramp was already in place, and a small team of people had started loading their luggage.

  “Are you okay?” Zoey asked, tearing her eyes from the impressive sight in front of them. It had been three full minutes, and Stelios hadn’t spoken a word.

  “I’m fine,” he breathed finally, a little more harshly than he meant to.

  Zoey could see he was losing his color again. He was licking his lips, as if his mouth had gone completely dry, and if he heard the attendant telling him that the plane was loaded and ready for takeoff, he gave no sign of it.

  “I want you to picture the olive trees,” Zoey began, slipping into a role she had become familiar with.

  “Enough with the trees!” Stelios barked. Almost immediately, his features contorted with regret. “I’m sorry, Zoey… I thought I was ready for this…”

  “You are ready,” she replied, a firm kindness in her voice. She took his hand in hers and took a step toward the boarding ramp. “You’ve come a long way to get here, Stelios, and I know you have the strength to go on. I’m right here with you, and we’re going to do it together. You don’t have to be afraid because you’re not alone.”

  “Besides which, sir,” Fulton chimed in, seemingly appearing out of nowhere, “that’s a super mid-size jet that has been optimized for maximum altitude, speed and range. It has been outfitted with all of the most sophisticated safety systems, and advanced global positioning technology. And the pilot is an expert with a lengthy career in the Air Force behind him.”

  “How do you know all that?” Zoey asked, intrigued.

  “He knows because he’s our pilot,” Stelios answered slowly, smiling slightly at the evident shock on Zoey’s face. “I hired Fulton just after my parents passed away. He was supposed to fly me to Greece so that I could comfort my grandparents, but as I told you, I ended up in the hospital instead. Fulton was so helpful and understanding that I hired him away from his company on the spot. He’s been driving rather than flying ever since, but he’s kept in training, and I honestly wouldn’t trust anyone else. Now, that’s my little secret,” he said with a small laugh. “Now that we’re here, let’s hear yours.”

  “You’re going to have to get aboard the plane first,” Zoey answered, quickly recovering from her surprise. She took another step toward the cabin, and Stelios let him lead her without the slightest resistance.

  Just as they reached the boarding stairs, Fulton slipped a pack of bubble gum into Zoey’s free hand.

  “You’ll thank me later, miss,” he promised, before dashing away to start the final flight checks.

  Moments later, Stelios and Zoey were seated in luxurious reclining leather seats. Each one came with a separate television screen, and wireless, noise-canceling headphones. The armrests held a control console, which offered the option to add heat, vibration, or both. All in all, they were the best chairs Zoey had ever experienced.

  “I need to put one of these in my office,” she joked.

  “I’ll take care of that as soon as we get back,” Stelios laughed. It was by no means a strong laugh, but it was reassuring to Zoey, and she was glad to see that he was calming down a little.

  A few moments later, Fulton’
s voice filled the cabin, and announced that the plane was about to take off. As the jet began to speed along the runway, the pair strapped themselves in and each took a piece of gum in an effort to keep their ears from popping. Suddenly, the tarmac below them dropped away, and the jet, which Stelios had named Skylander, was in the air.

  Stelios held tight to Zoey’s hand until the plane leveled out from its ascent. She was glad when it did, because it had been something like a death grip. Stelios apologized profusely, but Zoey assured him that she understood, and that there was no problem.

  At that very moment, Zoey realized something that she hadn’t before: her heart was pounding with eagerness and excitement. They were off the ground. They were really going. In just a few hours, she was going to experience something that never got to be more than a fantasy for most people. She got goosebumps as she pictured the sun-drenched shores that awaited her.

  “Okay, no more stalling, baby,” Stelios suddenly said, cutting into her thoughts. “We can’t get any more on the plane than this, so tell me, what’s the big secret?”

  Zoey reflected that she was getting interrupted an awful lot today, but she kept that thought to herself and addressed Stelios.

  “Well, when my mother saw you announce on TV that you love me, something happened to her. She stopped being so bitter and cynical. I was ecstatic, and I didn’t expect it to get any better than that. But then, one of her past clients showed up, Branden Kingston, the guy you talked to today. They hit it off right away, but at first, it was slow going. Neither of them wanted to make the first move.”

  “I remember,” Stelios said, shaking his head. “You told me about your efforts to play matchmaker.”

  “Well, one, that’s my job, and two, it worked,” Zoey told him with a tiny smirk. “They’ve started seeing each other every day. Usually, it’s just lunch, but sometimes they go out. A few days ago, though, my mother called me into her office to discuss something that she said was extremely important. As it turns out, she wants to spend more of her time with Branden, ‘having fun while I can’, as she put it. She’s retiring from Melinda Forde the moment I get back from Greece, and handing the entire thing over to me.”

  “Oh my God, that’s incredible!” Stelios replied, embracing her and giving her a kiss. “Your mother is wise to trust you with her legacy, Zoey. I couldn’t think of anyone better suited for it.”

  “Thanks, Stelios. I’m glad you think so. To be honest, though, I’ve been struggling with the idea of it. I’m overjoyed to know she’s going to have more time to be happy now. Especially with Branden. They seem like they were made for each other. But then…” she trailed off.

  “You’re worried because it’s a big responsibility, and you don’t want to let your mother down. You’ve worked alongside her for years now, but this is the first time that the entire process will be in your hands.”

  “That’s exactly how I feel. How do you know all of that?”

  “That’s exactly how I felt eight years ago, when I had to take over Dolphin Realty. It’s always hard to establish yourself at first. You have to learn everything at the same time as you’re doing it. It’s going to be rough at first, but I know you’re going to make it work, Zo’. There’s no better feeling than watching something you build succeed. Well, except, of course, for the one I get whenever I’m around you.”

  “Flattery will get you everywhere,” Zoey quipped, but deep down she was really touched by what he had said. “This new arrangement is going to mean a whole lot of changes in my life. I told my mother I want to reform things from the ground up. We need to change the pricing structure so that we can help ordinary people, not just cater to the wealthy. We need to filter out people who aren’t really looking for a relationship, and we need to embrace new technologies to stay relevant in the relationship services industry. There’s a girl in China who has just developed an app that matches people based on their behavior patterns. I asked my mom to send someone to look into it two days ago. If the reports come back positive, I’m going to try to acquire it.”

  Stelios looked on approvingly, filling Zoey with the affirmation she needed.

  The plane flew on until the sun began to sink in the sky. The horizon dazzled Zoey and Stelios as it danced through shades of gold, red and purple.

  At last, twilight crept across the evening sky, and Zoey turned to Stelios wearing an expression of awe.

  “Aren’t you glad you didn’t miss that?” she asked, patting him on the shoulder.

  “You can see the sky just as easily from the ground, and you don’t have to worry about falling onto it. Still, I never could have lived with myself if I hadn’t done this. I’m truly thankful to be going home while my grandparents are still alive. It’s always bothered me that I didn’t see them after my parents died.”

  “But you will now and—” Zoey was cut off by the jet this time.

  The cabin shook violently for several seconds, and Stelios swore loudly, instinctively regaining his seat and fastening himself into it with shaky fingers.

  “This is your captain speaking, sir,” Fulton announced over the intercom. “That was just a little turbulence, a perfectly normal occurrence up here, and nothing to worry about.”

  “The hell you say!” cried Stelios.

  “Based on current climate conditions, chances are excellent that we won’t experience any more turbulence prior to landing.”

  “Right,” Stelios muttered, releasing himself.

  After that scare, the Greek was far more alert than he had been for several hours. Zoey tried to stay awake and keep him company, but it became more and more difficult as the hour grew later.

  At about two in the morning, Zoey simply couldn’t hold out any longer. Without even realizing it, she fell into a deep and powerful sleep, and Stelios was left to his own devices.


  At first, it was pretty touch and go. With no one to distract him from the fact that he was in a metal tube, thousands of feet above the sea, Stelios’ mind began to wander toward everything that could still go wrong. He made a valiant effort to keep thoughts in check, though, and an hour or so in, it was beginning to pay off. And then, another person entered the cabin—the very last one Stelios expected to see.

  It was Fulton, ostensibly on his way to the bathroom.

  Stelios eyed him with alarm. “If you’re here, Fulton, who’s flying the plane?”

  “The very best autopilot money can buy, sir. And before you ask, I have the co-pilot watching the autopilot, and a system in place to alert a reserve pilot in case something happens to him. How are you holding up, anyway, sir? I had an idea that the young lady would be tuckered out by now.”

  “I’m managing,” Stelios replied evenly. “Though I’m pretty sure I need a pilot up there more than a babysitter back here.”

  “Well,” Fulton replied, “I just want you to know there're only a few more hours of this foolishness. Then we’ll be on terra firma again, and you won’t need to worry about flying again for a solid week.”

  “Thank you,” Stelios replied. It was a tiny comfort, but in his heart of hearts, he was glad to have it.

  Fulton hung around for a few more minutes, before using the bathroom and heading back to the flight deck.

  When he’d left, Stelios went fishing around in the cabinets, eventually retrieving a luxurious-looking blanket. Very gently, he wrapped it around the woman he loved, taking extra care not to wake her up.


  In the wee hours of the morning, as the sun began to peek over the horizon, fatigue finally hit Stelios like a mallet over the head. When he finally surrendered to sleep, silence fell over the cabin, and it wasn’t broken until half past twelve, when Zoey awoke with a yawn. She stretched as far as she could, and then she pulled off the blanket, folding it and setting it aside. She was certain she knew where the blanket had come from, and walked over to Stelios, still knocked out in his seat. She leaned over and kissed his cheek.

  “Good morning,
honey,” she said brightly as he let out a sputtered yawn and shook himself awake.

  “Morning,” he answered, rubbing his eyes, and slowly getting to his feet. “I’m guessing you slept well?” he asked, and Zoey nodded. “Then I do believe it’s high time for breakfast. Would you care to join me in the dining area?”

  “I certainly would,” Zoey replied, and Stelios led her to the rear of the cabin.

  Zoey had expected to see a small folding table for the pair of them to share. Instead, she found an alcove that held a full-sized dining table. It was covered with a cream-colored tablecloth, and a crystal chandelier hung overhead. The stewardess, Marcella, a sharp-eyed Midwestern woman in her thirties, appeared to take their order, and several minutes later, the table was piled high with omelets, home fries, coffee, bacon and scones.


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