The Sheikh's Tempted Prisoner (All He Desires Book 4) Page 7
He grinned at her, his other hand palming her lower back as he brought her closer. He began to circle her around, then, the two of them staring at each other in wonder, Lily pondering whether he would go in for a kiss. She wanted to tell herself she would turn her cheek if he did, that she would do what she could to keep their friendship strong and not risk it.
Her lips tingled at the thought of pressing against his.
In the midst of twirling her around, he dipped her, and she craned her neck back, laughing, before she tilted it back up and gazed into his brown eyes which were filled with—was that lust?
We can’t, she reminded herself.
“Wh…what’s upstairs?” she asked breathlessly.
Atnan stood, straightening her and releasing her from his hold. Lily took a step back, forcing herself to be strong. She could not give in to her attraction. For all she knew, she had no future with Atnan. She was squatting in his country illegally for heaven’s sake! Why would he want anything to do with her, anyway?
He turned and looked up at the rickety old staircase. It was made of wood and had clearly been fashioned centuries before.
“It’s nothing terribly exciting, though I imagine you’ll find some way to turn that around,” he answered, looking back down at her.
The heat in his eyes hadn’t dissolved, and Lily cleared her throat and walked past him.
“Well, then,” she said, calling over her shoulder, “we’ll just have to take a look, now won’t we?”
She pressed the ball of her foot against the bottom step, testing the wood. It creaked a little beneath her, but she continued, not wanting to give in to the heat in Atnan’s eyes. She took a couple more steps, the wood beneath her feet creaking more with each one.
“Lily…” Atnan began, but it was too late.
The banister crumbled beneath her hand, and she lost her balance, falling backward.
She prepared for sharp pain, but a pair of sturdy arms wrapped around her, carrying her gently back to the marble floor. Lily’s eyes were squeezed tight, her arms clinging to Atnan as she slowly registered the fact that she wasn’t hurt.
“Lily?” he asked, his voice gentle and a little afraid.
She opened her eyes. His face was inches from hers, and his eyes combed her face, looking for any sign of injury. She held on a little tighter.
“I’m fine,” she whispered. “I’m okay.”
“I told you it wasn’t safe here,” he said, though there was more worry in his voice than anything.
He ran his fingers over her hair, resting the palm of his hand behind her head. Their breath mingled as they fought one last battle not to give in to their emotions. When Atnan realized Lily wasn’t pulling away, his eyes landed on her lips and he resisted no longer.
Pressing his lips against hers, he planted a soft kiss on her mouth. Lily responded by kissing him back firmly, and she soon lost control to her passion as she clung to him. Atnan deepened the kiss, lifting her into his arms as he kissed her into deliriousness. She cradled his face in her hands as he walked, quite skillfully, back down the hallway. He planted her feet back down in front of a doorway.
“This is me,” he said quietly, pressing his forehead against hers. “Lily, I…”
She pressed her fingers against his lips and reached past him with her other hand to open the door, giving him her answer without words. He pulled her to him again, dragging them both into his room and closing the door behind them, even though no one was there to disturb them.
It was a night neither of them would soon forget.
Chapter Eleven
Images of the previous evening danced behind Lily’s eyes as she slowly awoke. She kept her eyes closed, savoring the sensation of waking up in a comfortable bed, wrapped in the arms of a handsome and wonderful man. His arm was draped around her middle, bent upward so that his palm nearly cradled her face.
Behind her, she could feel him breathing, his bare chest pressing against her back before pulling away ever so slightly with each inhale and exhale. Lily smiled.
It had been five days since she’d had her car accident and Atnan had come to the rescue. In that moment, she had to admit that they had been five of the best days of her life. They had discussed literature and cuisine, and he had taught her so much about his culture and himself. Was it possible that they could simply stay there in that musty old palace forever?
Atnan shifted, and Lily turned in the circle of his arms to find him awake, his brown eyes shining in the light that filtered through his draped window.
“Good morning,” he murmured.
Lily beamed up at him.
“Hi,” she said, placing her hands on his bare chest. “Fancy meeting you here.”
He chuckled, repositioning himself so he could hold her closer.
“Do you come here often?”
Lily laughed, and for a moment she thought she saw the Sheikh blush.
“This would be a first, though I hear there this palace has one of the best chefs in the country.”
His grin stayed in place as he ran his fingers through her hair, staring at her as though trying to memorize her face and capture the moment forever. At least, she hoped that was what he was thinking.
“I’ve heard that, too,” he said, and she scoffed.
“Humble to a fault, you are.”
He lifted his hands in defense.
“Hey, you’re the one dealing out compliments. I’m just not disagreeing with them.”
“Uh-huh,” she said, cuddling deeper into his arms.
While it was true that she was famished, the idea of ever leaving that exact spot held little to no appeal for her.
“While we’re giving out compliments, I should tell you that you look exquisite first thing in the morning.”
Lily blushed as she looked into his eyes. He watched her with a ravenous hunger, his eyes fully planted on her lips before his own captured them and reignited the passion that they had so enjoyed the night before.
After another slow, delicious love-making session, the two of them hopped into Atnan’s enormous shower. Playful and not-so-playful kisses ensued before the hot water finally ran out and they were forced to dress and begin their day.
Lily slipped into the clothes she had put on the day before and braided her wet hair before facing Atnan, who had dressed in a simple white button-down shirt and a pair of slacks.
“Seriously, though, have you ever worn jeans?” she asked, sitting on the bed to watch him finish dressing.
He turned, rolling up one of his shirtsleeves.
“I suppose I have. Once, when I was visiting America, we went to a thing called a rodeo, and jeans were strictly the dress code for that.”
Lily laughed.
“How did you find the rodeo? Did you like it?”
He shook his head, his lip curling slightly in distaste.
“I found it a bit cruel for my tastes, but to each his own, I suppose.”
“I went to a ton of those when I was a kid. When I was very little, I said something like, ‘I don’t think the cows like that very much!’ Got a good laugh from the people around me.”
He stepped over to her, cradling her chin in his palm and filling her heart with warmth.
“You were a kind and gentle soul from a very young age, then.”
“I guess so,” she said, beaming.
Their moment was broken by the sound of her stomach growling. Lily blushed crimson, but Atnan simply laughed.
“It appears we have worked up your appetite quite effectively. Come, let’s see what we can whip up. Then, perhaps I will think about other places we can explore.”
He held his hands out to her, and when she placed hers in them, he lifted her to her feet. Glancing at the ground, she cleared her throat.
“About yesterday,” she began, hesitating.
Atnan stared at her, saying nothing. Lily took a deep breath.
“I’m sorry. I should have listened to you about the dangers. I don’t k
now what I would do if I were to get injured here, and I just wanted to say thank you—for catching my fall.”
His gaze was intense as he watched her give a rather clumsy apology. Then he did something that surprised her: he pulled her into his arms and held her tight.
“I like your adventurous spirit, Lily. It’s just prudent to be cautious. You are right, after all. If either of us gets injured, it will certainly put a wrench in my plans.”
“What plans?” she asked, looking back up at him.
His expression closed once more, and he patted her shoulder as he stepped away.
“Oh, just plans. Everyone has them. For now, my plans are to ensure that you are fed and cared for.”
Lily waited until Atnan had turned around to frown fully. He was still hiding something from her, even after they had made love, even after they had felt so close. Not wanting to indulge in that feeling, she brushed it aside, instead trying to focus on the good she had experienced with Atnan. She didn’t want to break out of their new and delightful bubble.
She fell into step beside him as they made their way toward the kitchen, Atnan reaching over and lacing his fingers with hers as they strolled. It was a nice feeling, holding hands. Lily cast her mind back, trying to remember the last time she had held hands with a man like that. It might have been elementary school, which was a depressing thought.
When they entered the kitchen, Lily took her usual seat at the island, watching as Atnan opened the fridge and felt around.
“Hmm,” he said, sounding concerned.
“What is it?” she asked.
“It appears we’ve polished off a good majority of our food supply. I’ll have to pop out to the market to get us some provisions.”
“Can you do that?” she asked.
Atnan turned, his expression amused.
“You forget that we met because I was out and about in the city. I do leave this place from time to time, you know.”
“Just for supplies?”
“Yes, and when I need information, but that’s neither here nor there. Why don’t you get comfortable with a book and I’ll be back within the hour? There’s a village not far from here that I can shop at without being identified.”
“You sure you don’t want any company?”
The thought of being left alone in a rusted-out palace wasn’t exactly enticing, not to mention that the thought of parting from Atnan so soon after their night together had her longing to join him. The outside world wasn’t exactly alluring at the moment, but Lily realized then that she would go anywhere with Atnan if he asked her to.
Atnan shook his head.
“It will only take a short while. Besides, you deserve to relax and enjoy a quiet morning. The market can get a bit rambunctious at times. Please, get some rest and I will be back to cook for you before you even notice that I have gone.”
He walked up to Lily and planted a cherishing kiss on her brow. She held his hands tightly as she looked up at him.
He chuckled and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips.
“Promise,” he whispered.
He grabbed a bag and gave her one more lingering kiss farewell before he left the kitchen. Somewhere in the distance, Lily heard an engine start, and a car drive away.
The silence that followed was nearly deafening.
How had he managed to spend so much time alone in that palace? It was cavernous without someone there for company, and Lily found herself meandering around for a while, walking around the library and the private garden, which was still a terribly sad place with all the dead plants around.
Somehow, she managed to find her way back to the west wing, passing right by Atnan’s forbidden office. She stopped there, staring at the closed door.
Atnan had told her that the room was off-limits, but there was so much she wanted to know about him, so much more she wanted to understand. Would he be angry with her if she snooped a little? She wouldn’t have to reveal anything she found in there if she didn’t want to. After all, what could he have done that warranted hiding from her?
Glancing around and finding the corridors empty, as she knew they would be, she placed her hand on the doorknob and turned it. She was met with force, the door clearly locked.
“Hmm,” she hummed to herself, taking a step back and eyeing the door.
So he had been concerned enough to lock it, even though no one was in the palace but herself, and she hadn’t known that the room had existed until the night before. What was he trying to hide?
Lily’s curiosity raged as she gazed around the area, her eyes landing on a loose-looking floorboard off to the side of the staircase.
“No way…” she whispered, walking over and lifting the piece of wood.
Underneath, there was a small silver key glinting atop another piece of wood. Lily felt a hunger to know just what Atnan deemed worth hiding behind that door. She took the key and pressed it into the hole—a perfect fit. Turning it, she felt the lock unclick, and she hesitated.
A feeling of foreboding washed over her, and she wondered if she was better off leaving it alone. Atnan was entitled to his secrets. Who was she to barge in on them? Should she wait to let him tell her in his own time?
Would he ever?
Realizing she’d come too far not to press on, she brushed her doubts aside, pressed open the door, and stepped inside.
The air was a bit cooler in that room, as though temperature controlled. There was a large desk in the center that was covered with newspaper clippings, and as Lily gazed around, she realized there were newspapers and notes plastered over every inch of the four walls surrounding her.
Her nerves quivered as she walked around, trying to pick out a newspaper column to read. She finally found one that had a large picture of a frowning Atnan on the front. She began to read.
Police are still hunting for disgraced Sheikh Atnan Shadid after he was found harassing a local woman in a public square. The Sheikh has been indicted for public indecency and harassment by the chief of police, Kaveh Tahan. When asked for comment, Chief Tahan was blunt in his remarks.
“While I am saddened and disheartened by Atnan’s behavior, rest assured that he will be brought to justice. I can only say that I am ashamed to call him my brother. No further questions.”
If the Sheikh is found guilty, there is a chance he will lose his claim to the throne and that it will instead pass to Chief Tahan, who has reluctantly claimed that he would uphold that position were it to fall to him.
The Sheikh’s father was unable to be reached for a comment.
Lily’s blood turned to ice as she read article after article calling for Atnan to relinquish his claim to the throne. Legal papers smattered his desk, defense arguments that looked shaky at best and incriminatory at worst. Lily realized in that moment that Atnan was lying to her, perhaps even seducing her to keep her quiet.
A wave of panic flooded her heart and she ran from the room. She found her way to the back garden and fled the palace as fast as her bare feet could take her. When she reached the garden’s edge, a small gate opened to a vast sea of desert. Unable to consider spending another moment with a man who might harm her, she wiped a stream of tears from her eyes as she opened the gate and sprinted out into the desert.
She ran for some time, even in the heat of the morning sun. Her mind was a blur of images, first Atnan caressing her cheek, then looking at her in adoration, and lastly the image of him glaring out at her from the black-and-white newspaper article. The truth was, she had been foolish to let her guard down with him. He was practically a stranger, and now she had possibly gotten herself mixed up with a criminal who was hiding from the law.
In the heat, she found her stamina waning, her panicked sprint becoming a jog and eventually slowing to a walk. The palace had long vanished from view, and she felt safe enough to decrease her pace as she wandered through a lonely desert with no destination in sight.
Atnan had been a beacon of kindness and
hospitality. He had made love to her with a gentleness she had never known. How could she pair that man with the one who had been charged with harassing another woman? Her mind couldn’t puzzle it out, and as the sun continued to beat against her skin, the sand burning her bare feet with every step, she realized she was quite terribly lost.
Lily had completely fallen for Atnan. She loved him. But was that love based on a lie?
Chapter Twelve
Sweat streaked down the back of Lily’s neck as she trudged across the seemingly endless desert. The pads of her feet were burning. Her vision was beginning to blur. Several times she admonished herself for bolting without any thought or preparation. As time passed, it seemed as though her rash and stupid decision really would be the end of her.
She looked up from the shifting sand, her eyes widening as she wiped sweat from her lashes. Was that a building up ahead?
Picking up her pace, Lily hoped against hope that she wasn’t hallucinating as she sped toward the structure, which was soon joined by several others in what appeared to be a small desert hamlet.
When her feet touched the main road, a wave of relief washed over Lily. She was so overheated and her mind was so muddled that all she could think about was a way to get to water. She noticed a sign indicating a dinky café and stepped inside, the tile floor deliciously cool on her feet.
She plopped down at a table before anyone could notice her state of undress, hiding her bare toes beneath a long cotton tablecloth. A waiter appeared, gazing at her with wide eyes as he asked, in the local dialect, what she would like to order. Having had a few lessons with Atnan over the course of the week, Lily picked up the menu and recognized the words for iced tea.
She ordered a pitcher in a shaky accent, and thankfully the waiter seemed to understand. Staring out into space, she waited, feeling completely miserable, until he returned with a glass and a large glass pitcher filled with the ice-cold brew. She nodded to him in gratitude as she poured a cup. She did her best not to gulp it down too loudly, her mind uncluttering as she came back to earth.